Coming Events / Načrtovane prireditve


 Past Events / Dosedanje prireditve

The Resurrection of Medieval Martial Arts
by David M. Cvet & Tomaz Lazar

David M. Cvet will be delivering a lecture and presentation on the research and reconstruction efforts by the Academy of European Medieval Martial Arts in the historical fencing and combat. The lecture will include an introduction to the 14th and 15th century manuscripts that provided the sources for the development and reconstruction of historical martial arts training based on the medieval period.

Location & Time: predavanja (lecture) at the Slovenian National Museum/Narodni muzej Slovenije in Ljubljana, 6pm, Tuesday, October 11th.

Uvod v heraldiko
Predavanje dr. Tomaža Pisanskega in Petra Hawline

Dr. Tomaž Pisanski je predstavil osnove heraldike s temeljnimi priporočili in jih ponazoril na primerih. Peter Hawlina je pripravil priložnostno razstavo grbov, zlasti grbov slovenskih občin in nakazal splošno stanje na področju slovenske heraldike. Napovedal je ustanavljanje heraldične sekcije v okviru Slovenskega rodoslovnega društva.

Location & Time: March 22, 2005 @ 6:00pm, Predavanje se je vršilo v sejni sobi Svetovni Slovenski Kongres. Razstava se je naslednji dan preselila v avlo Slovenske izseljenske matice.

Introduction to Heraldry
by dr. Tomaž Pisanski & Peter Hawlina

dr. Tomaž Pisanski will deliver a presentation on the introduction to heraldry which will be accompanied by a heraldry exhibition. He will demonstrate the general heraldic guidelines and discuss several armorial bearings or coats of arms. Peter will give comments on the heraldic exhibition, add some specifics about the situation in Slovenia, the founding of Heraldic section in the Slovenian Genealogy Society.

Location: Conference room in Svetovni Slovenski Kongres in Cankarjeva 1/IV in Ljubljana