Častni sodelavec so tisti posamezniki in člani SHS, ki so bistveno pripomogli pri sirjenju in uveljavljanju heraldike, pri utrjevanju ugleda in pravilnega razumevanja, pomena in uvrscanja heraldike v Sloveniji in med Slovenci ali tisti, ki so s svojim delovanjem prispevali k prestizu in ugledu društva SHS.

Znacka castnega sodelavca ima napis » Znak za zasluge za društvo SHS «.

Honorary Fellows are individuals, including members of the SHS, who have significantly engendered, encouraged or fostered a proper respect for, and the correct understanding of, the significance and place of heraldry in Slovenia and for Slovenians, or may be persons whose patronage from time to time has enhanced the prestige or honour of the SHS.

The badge illustrated on the right signifies the acknowledgement of individuals who were conveyed the honor of "Honorary Fellow" of the Society. It is labelled as "The Meritorious Badge of Distinction for SHS Members for their Support or Contribution to the Society".