Izvedenec so člani, ki so uspesno opravili tri preizkuse znanja in dokazali visoko poznavanje heraldike, vitestva in sorodnih podrocij s posebnim ozirom na podrocje Slovenije.

Za izvedence je predvidena znacka z napisom » Heraldični izvedenec «.

Licentiates are members who have successfully completed the Society's three levels of heraldic proficiency examinations having demonstrated a superior knowledge of the fields of heraldic scholarship, art, armory, chivalry or analogous subjects as they relate to Slovenia.

The badge illustrated on the right signifies the acknowledgement of individuals who were awarded the designation of Licentiate of the Society. It is labelled as "The Licentiate Badge of Recognition for SHS Members for their Study of the Art and Science of Heraldry".