01/06 | David M. Cvet - Grad Radeljca ![]() Sledeči prispevek o gradu Radeljca je povzet po fotokopiji originalnega članka, objavljenega v Dolenjskem listu leta 1975. V času pisanja tega prispevka ostajata avtor in vir drugega članka neznana. Podatki iz navedenega članka se uporabljajo zgolj za potrebe heraldične raziskave. A re-print of an article written sometime in 1975, published in a local newspaper in Bučka describing the history of Grad Radeljca. The article has been enhanced to include images of the coats of arms of the families mentioned in the article, along with images of the past and present structure. |
04/05 | Peter Hawlina - Škofja Loka ima enak grb kot novi papež ![]() Takoj po izvolitvi novega papeža prebivalci Škofje Loke niso mogli prezreti simbola kronanega zamorca v njegovem grbu. Simbolna povezava je posledica uporabe freisinškega simbola v grbih vseh škofov in v grbih freisinških posesti. Podajam svojo interpretacijo izvora tega simbola in dodajam še interpretacijo otovorjenega medveda in Jakobove školjke. An article appearing in the local newspaper in Škofja Loka incorrectly indicated the new Pope as possessing the same arms as the municipal arms of Škofja Loka. This article corrects this error, and briefly describes the symbols comprising the Pope's coat of arms. |
03/05 | Marija Hernja Masten - The Seal and Coat of Arms of the City of Ptuja ![]() The seal of the city of Ptuj dated from the year 1273 is the oldest municipal seal known in Slovenia. The article describes the medieval city of Ptuj having an important role of medieval Slovenia and the autonomy to warrant the use of this own legal seal. |
03/05 | Hervardi - Carantania Coat of Arms - Black Panther - Slovenia's Oldest Coat of Arms ![]() An overview of the early history of Slovenian (Carantania) heraldry, depicting the first known heraldic device, the black panther. The article describes some of the early representations of heraldry on royal seals of notable figures as Uric II (1181-1202) and Bernard Spanheim (1202-1256). |
02/05 | Tomaž Pisanski - Six years of Genealogy and Heraldry in Slovenia ![]() An analysis of six years of genealogy and heraldry accesses to the database containing data relevant for the study of genealogy, and an examination of the distribution of the sources of the entries by countries on a web-enabled system installed at the University of Ljubljana. |
02/05 | Dr. Jožko Šavli - Carantanian Heraldry - From Monochrome to Polychrome ... ![]() Carantanian coats of arms are in the grouping with the oldest roots in Europe. Their symbols reflect the state traditions of Carantania (Slovenia), which later passed to Inner Austria. According to confirmed dates, Carantanian official heraldry began in the period after 1150 A.D. |
10/02 | Peter Hawlina - Grb postane prebivališče duše ![]() Raba grbov se je na široko razmahnila po koncu križarskih vojn. Znani so bili že v antiki, na ščitih so jih uporabljali na Kitajskem in Japonskem, vendar se je zahodna heraldika razmahnila v trinajstem stoletju. A brief introduction to the history of heraldry, with its appearance during the crusades, and the fact that heraldry existed in other cultures such as the Chinese and Japanese. |
01/01 | Preinfalk, Miha & Žabota, Barbara. Grbi v kapeli sv. Jurija na Ljubljanskem gradu - biser z napako? / Coats of Arms in the Chapel of St. George in Ljubljana Castle - A Pearl with a Flaw? ![]() ![]() dr. Preinfalk writes about a number of inconsistencies in the coats of arms painted on the ceiling and walls of the Chapel of St. George, as a result of the numerous renovations through time, and the inadvertent introduction of errors by the painters themselves. This article is available in full, in both Slovenian and English in the members only area of this website. |