
This form of heraldry symbolizes an organization such as corporations, academic, government and health services in a similar fashion to personal or ecclesiastical arms. However, the practice of institutional heraldry is often confused with logos and trademarks. Today, the most visible heraldic achievements can be found in a variety of academic institutions world-wide. Corporations are often simplifying their heraldic achievements, periodically replacing them with what is commonly known as "branding" with stylized symbols that are far removed from the heraldic tradition.

This presentation of institutional arms will present a number of heraldic achievements of institutions who continue to employ traditional heraldry in their symbolism.


To view a particular institutional coat of arms, click on the letter below which is the first letter of institution's name. A new window will materialize showing "thumbnail" images of all institution' arms in which its name begins with the letter clicked on earlier. On this page, find the institution of interest, and click on the "thumbnail" image in order to retrieve a page containing a full colour presentation of the arms, including its blazon.

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